期間 |
內容 |
2019-11-30 |
梅興,邱貞瑋,邱貞瑋,林艷芸,廖郁儒,廖郁儒,林容安,陳筱雯,歐育綺,'Vital Tree: An Education Guide Game with Mobile Augmented Reality',The 8th Orange Beneficence – Sustainable Development,Taiwan,Taipei,2019-11-30 |
2018-12-1 |
梅興,陳玟君,杜宜庭,林奕昕,陳筱雯,歐育綺,歐育綺,張耿銘,陳麗卿,'ARTOL: A Prototype for Tree of Life with Augmented Reality',The 7th Orange Beneficence - Sustainability,Taiwan,Taipei,2018-12-1 |
2018-06-08 |
梅興,Meng-Pei Lee,Hsiang-Yu Hu,'Life Chasing - A Location-based Game Prototype for Elderly Health Promotion',International Conference on Healthcare Service Management,Japan,Tsukuba,2018-06-08 |
2016-06-17 |
梅興,羅尹勵,陳浩瀚,'FireWalk: A Location-Based Walking Game for Health Promoting',2016 6th International Workshop on Computer Science and Engineering (WCSE 2016),Japan,Tokyo,2016-06-17 |
2015-12-13 |
梅興,'FireWalk: An Age Friendly Mobile Game',The 5th Orange Beneficence - International Design Conference of Smart Living for Elderly,ROC,New Taipei City,2015-12-13 |
2015-03-30 |
梅興,M.T. Yeh,H.I. Yang,'A HTML5-based Innovative Sleep Prescription Service',The 3rd IEEE International Conference on Mobile Cloud Coputing, Services, and Engineering,USA,San Francisco,2015-03-30 |
2014-11-30 |
梅興,M.T. Yeh,H.I. Yang,'A HTML5-based Age Friendly Sleep Prescription Service',The Orange Beneficence - International Design Conference of Smart Living for Elderly,2014-11-30 |
2014-06-23 |
梅興,H.W. Yang,'Responsive Universal Design with Universal User Profiles and CSS User Queries',The 8th International Symposium on e-Health Services and Technologies, (EHST 2014),Luxembourg,2014-06-23 |
2013-06-01 |
白紹甫,梅興,'離線架構分析和同步規劃',he 9th International Conference on Knowledge Community (KC2013),臺灣,台北,2013-06-01 |
2012.12.03 |
Yu-Wen Chen,Hsing Mei,'Sleep Physiological Dynamics Simulation with Fuzzy Set',The 2012 International Conference on Brain Infomatics (BI 2012),Macau,Macau,2012.12.03 |
2012.11.03 |
Y.T. Lin,C.H. Lin,X.L. Wen,C.Y. Hung,Hsing Mei,'Joyful Health Space: An Age Friendly Testbed for Responsive Web Design',The Orange Beneficence - International Design Conference of Smart Living for Elderly,臺灣,新北市,2012.11.03 |
2012.09.26 |
Shiao-Ping Cheng,Hsing Mei,'A Personalized Sleep Quality Assessment Mechanism based on Sleep Pattern Analysis',The 3rd International Conference on Innovations in Bio-Inspired Computing and Applications (IBICA 2012),臺灣,Kaohsiung,2012.09.26 |
2012.07.06 |
鄭曉頻,梅興,'A Online Sleep Quality Assessment System', 8th Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering (TCSE 2012),臺灣,台北,2012.07.06 |
2012.07.06 |
范競之,梅興,'整合Facebook Like與Google Plus +1的第三方混搭機制',the 8th Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering (TCSE 2012),臺灣,台北,2012.07.06 |
2012.05.29 |
S.Y. Lu,Hsing Mei,'A Spatiotemporal Simulation for Alzheimer’s Disease',IEEE International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Biotechnology (iCBEB 2012),Macau,Macau,2012.05.29 |
2011.09.21 |
,Hualien,2011.09.21 |
2011.04.29 |
范競之,李侃訓,梅興,'一個整合多平台的睡眠記錄服務',The 1st National Conference on Web Intelligence and Applications (NCWIS2011),臺灣,2011.04.29 |
2010.11.11 |
W.H. Tseng,Song-Yun Lu,Hsing Mei,'On the Development of a Brain Simulator',Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computational Colletive Intelligence Technologies and Applications (ICCCI 2010),臺灣,2010.11.11 |
2010.06.01 |
Hsing Mei,'Social Learning Space : An Emerging Technology Learning Testbed based on E-Learning2.0',Proceedings of the 14th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education (GCCCE 2010),Singapore,2010.06.01 |
2010.03.11 |
許復凱,蔡忠潔,梅興,'混搭服務中使用者參與的偵錯機制',First Annual Cross-Strait Conference on Software Technology (CSCST 2010),臺灣,台北,2010.03.11 |
2009.11.27 |
,臺灣,2009.11.27 |
2009.06.03 |
,梅興,2009.06.03 |
2008.12.18 |
,2008.12.18 |
2008.07.23 |
,2008.07.23 |
2008.06.14 |
梅興,許見章,賴韋廷,'混搭一個可信賴之虛擬健康2.0測試環境',Proceedings of the 4th Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering (TCSE 2008),臺灣,2008.06.14 |
2007.12.20 |
許見章,梅興,李長脩,'RFID中介軟體智慧型高可用系統',Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Management, NCS2007,臺灣,2007.12.20 |
2007.12.20 |
梅興,許復凱,賴韋廷,'社交學習空間之建構與實驗',Workshop on Web Services and Service Oriented Architecture, NCS2007,臺灣,2007.12.20 |
2007.12.12 |
許見章,梅興,李長脩,'利用模糊代理人協商的RFID 負載平衡中介軟體',第十三屆資訊管理暨實務研討會,臺灣,2007.12.12 |
2007.07 |
,2007.07 |
2006.04 |
S.Y. Chen,W.H. Tseng,Hsing Mei,'A Multilayer Topic-Group based P2P Network',Proceedings of the 20th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applica,2006.04 |
2005.06 |
,2005.06 |
2005.03 |
C.T. Wu,Hsing Mei,'Location-Based-Service Roaming based on Web Services', Proceedings of the First IEEE International Workshop on Information Networking and Applications,Taipei,2005.03 |
2004.09 |
Hsing Mei,Steven Chang,'PP-COSE: A P2P Community Search Scheme',Proceedings of the Fourth IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology,Wuhan,2004.09 |
2004.06 |
M.S. You,Y.S. Hong,T.S. Chun,Hsing Mei,'A P2P e-Learning Platform based on Web Services',Proceedings of 2004 Symposium on Digital Life and Internet Technologies,Tainan,2004.06 |
2003.11 |
J.H. Chiao,C.H. H0,Hsing Mei,'A Pioneer Value-added Model of Fashion Digital Contents Sponsored by the Collaboration of Industry, University and Government-A Case Study of 2003 Taipei County Sansia Blue Dyeing Festival',2003年數位內容創意加值研討會,Taipei,2003.11 |
2003.09 |
C.T. Wu,Hsing Mei,S.C. Chou,'Roaming and Cache of Location Based Services under the Web Service Infrastructure',Proceedings of 2003 Symposium on Digital Life and Internet Technologies,Tainan,2003.09 |
2003.07 |
X.Y. Chen,Hsing Mei,'Develop Digital Museum with Personalized Technologies', 2nd Workshop on Digital Archives Technologies,Taipei,2003.07 |
2003.03 |
W.H Tseng, Hsing Mei,'Inter-Cluster Service Lookup based on Jini',IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications,Xian,2003.03 |
2002.11 |
Hsing Mei etc,'Textiles & Costume Digital Museum-Hmong Tribe',4th IFFTI International Conference 2002,Hong Kong,2002.11 |
2002.04 |
Hsing Mei,C.Y. Lu,C.C. Lai,'A Querying Filter Mechanism for Cooperatice ICP Proxy Servers',Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Information TechnologyCoding and Computing,USA,Las Vegas,2002.04 |
2002 |
Hsing Mei,'Apply Platform Independent and Technologies to Digital Museum Development',Proceedings of First Workshop on Digital Archive Technologies,2002 |
2002 |
Hsing Mei,'Building a Mobile First-Aid System with SOAP',Proceedings of Workshop on the 21th Century Digital Life and Internet Technologies,2002 |
2001 |
Hsing Mei,'A High performance Java-based HTTP Proxy Server', Proceedings of Workshop on the 21th Century Digital Life and Internet Technologies,2001 |
2000.07 |
Hsing Mei,Y.M. Wen,'Turning a HTTP Proxy Server to WAP Gateway',INET2000 – The 10th Annual Internet Society Conference,Japan,Yokohama,2000.07 |
2000 |
Hsing Mei,'Performance Enhancement of Web-based Push Transmitter with Channel Scheduling',Proceedings of 24th Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC),2000 |
2000 |
Hsing Mei,'Quick Implementation of a WAP Push Gateway', Proceedings of 2000 Workshop on Internet and Distributed Systems (WINDS),2000 |
1999 |
Hsing Mei,'An Experimental Java Course on WWW',Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Computer Aided Instruction (ICCAI),1999 |
1999 |
Hsing Mei,'Design and Implement a HTTP Proxy Server Using UML and Java',10th Workshop on OOTA,1999 |