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Financial aids are offered in various formats according to the regulations of the Ministry of Education, including low-interest loans, which cover tuition and fees, textbooks, and insurance in order to assist students from financially disadvantaged families to complete their studies, in recognition of academic excellence and outstanding.


FJU, the College of Science and Engineering in FJU offers a variety of scholarships to students:


The College of Science and Engineering

 Financial supports for PhD students from your PhD advisers, the information are listed in our faculty members’ introductions

 PhD teaching assistants are paid US $150-35-/month
 PhD research assistantships (US$ 200-500/month) are provided by your potential PhD advisers.
 Societas-Verbi-Divini (SVD) Scholarship
For International Student
 Fu Jen Catholic University International Bachelor and Master Freshman Scholarship
 Fu Jen Catholic University International PhD student Scholarship
 Fu Jen Catholic University International Student Scholarship


 Scholarship of President's List in FJU.

 Scholarship for the excellence in Entrance.



 Scholarship for the excellence in Entrance.


Scholarship information website:http://life.dsa.fju.edu.tw/scholarship.html