學校 系所 學位
阿拉巴馬州大學 電機及計算機工程 博士
期間 單位 部門 職稱
期間 內容
2018-03 周賜福,'Joint deadline-constrained and influence aware design for allocating MapReduce jobs in Cloud computing System.',Cluster Computing, The Journal of Networks, Software Tools,volVolume 16.16,2018-03
2014-02 周賜福,'VHDL Implementation of Scheduled Dataflow Architecture and the impact of Efficient way of passing of Data',International Journal of Emerging Trends in Computing and Communication Technology,volVolume 1. No.2.7-17,2014-02
2013.09 周賜福,Gwan-Jie Hwang,Han-Yao Ko,'GMOP Profiler: A Profiler for OpenMP Task Level Parallelism',Scientific and Academic Publishing, USA,vol3.56-66,2013.09
2010-05 周賜福,'An Efficient Non-Blocking Multithreaded Embedded system',Algoriths and Architecture for Parallel processing LNCS 6081.205-214,2010-05
2009.12 周賜福,vol43.63-80,2009.12
2004.12 Joseph M. Arul,John Selvamani,'Making Scientific Knowledge accessible to all: a role for a catholic University in Taiwan',Fu Jen Studies Science and Engineering.,2004.12
2003.07 Jenn-Wei Lin,Joseph Arul,'An Efficient Fault-Tolerant Approach for Mobile IP in Wireless Systems',IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing,.207-220,2003.07
2001.08 K. M. Kavi,R. Giorgi,Joseph M. Arul,'Scheduled Dataflow: Execution Paradigm, Architecture, and Performance Evaluation Evaluation',IEEE Transactions on Computers.834-846,2001.08
2000.10 K.M.Kavi,Joseph Arul,Roberto Giorgi,'Execution and cache performance of the Scheduled Dataflow Architecture',Journal of Universal Computer Science,Special Issue on Multithreaded and Chip Multitprocessors..948-967,2000.10
期間 內容
2016-09-28 周賜福,Amali Selve,Lin Jenn-Wei,'A Performance-Satisfied and Affection-Aware MapReduce Allocation Scheme for Intelligent Information Applications',IEEE International Conference on Knowledge Engnineering and Applications,Singapore,2016-09-28
2016-02-15 周賜福,柯涵耀,'Impact of Dynamic Scheduling for Dual Core',2016 International Conference on Platform Technology and Service,Korea,Jeju,2016-02-15
2015-05-04 周賜福,Chun-Chih Huang,'Improvement of Memory Bandwidth Utilization using OpenMP Task with Processor Affinity',The 4th International Symposium on,台灣,台北市,2015-05-04
2015-05-04 周賜福,'結合OpenMP Task 與 Processor Affinity提高記憶體頻寬使用率',在下一代電子第四屆國際研討會(ISNE2015),台灣,台北市,2015-05-04
2015-05-04 周賜福,'結合OpenMP Task 與 Processor Affinity提高記憶體頻寬使用率',在下一代電子第四屆國際研討會(ISNE2015),台灣,台北市,2015-05-04
2014-02-27 周賜福,'VHDL Implementation of Scheduled Dataflow Architecture and the impact of Efficient way of passing of Data.',2014 World Congress on Computing and Communication Technologies (WCCCT),INDIA,TRICHY,2014-02-27
2010.05.21 ,2010.05.21
2009.03.02 ,黃國明,朱恆興,陳琮云,臺灣,高雄,2009.03.02
2008.06.01 ,周賜福,香港,2008.06.01
2007.12.02 周賜福,葉佐任,陳宣宇,'非中斷多執行緒結構的推測執行',臺灣,台中,2007.12.02
2006.12.02 周賜福,'控制流程與資料流程結構的快取效能',臺灣,台北,2006.12.02
2006.06.19 ,2006.06.19
2006.06 ,2006.06
2006.06 ,2006.06
2005.11-30 周賜福,葉佐任,許家誠,李展誌, ,'在多工緒已排班資料流架構下的一個有效率傳遞資料的方法',2005 第五屆平行處理演算法與組織架構國際研討會,大陸,北京,2005.11-30
2005.11 Joseph M. Arul,Tsozen Yeh,Chiacheng Hsu,JanJr Li,'An Efficient Way of Passing of Data in a Multithreaded Scheduled Dataflow Architecture (SDF)',The 8th International Conference on High Performance Computing in Asia Pacific Region,China,Beijing,2005.11
2005.10 Grace J.Hwang,Joseph M. Arul,Eric Lin,Chung-Yun Hung,'Design and Multithreading implementation of Wave-Front Algorithm for Voronoi Diagrams',The Sixth International Conference on Algorithms and Architecture for Parallel processing,Australia,Melbourne,2005.10
2004.03 Joseph M. Arul,John Selvamani,'Making Scientific Knowledge accessible to all: a role for a catholic University in Taiwan',Creating a Sectorial group in Science by International Federation of Catholic University.,Italy,Rome,2004.03
2002 周賜福,'Scalability of Scheduled Dataflow Architecture (SDF) with a Register Context',ICA3PP,Beijing,2002
期間 主持人 計畫名稱 贊助單位 贊助金額 職稱
2008.08.01至2009.07.31 周賜福 非中斷式多執行緒嵌入式系統 輔仁大學研發處研究管理組研究計畫 120000.0000
2004.08.01至2005.07.30 周賜福 輔仁大學理工學院研究 null
2003.08至2004.07 周賜福 Non-blocking多工緒(multithread)結構模擬器使用硬體描述語言(VHDL)(I) 國科會 459100.0000
2002.08至2003.07 周賜福 Cluster Based Simulator for Scheduled Dataflow Architecture 輔仁大學研發處 null
年度 研究生 論文題目
99 林原慶
99 黃冠傑 GOMP Profiler: OpenMP工作階層平行程式的效能分析器
99 鐘華元 用 VHDL 實做出已排班的資料流架構和有效率的傳輸資料方法
99 林甫鈞 在JFFS3檔案系統中以多執行緒技術提昇快閃記憶體讀取與寫入效能