學校 系所 學位
清華大學 數學 博士
期間 單位 部門 職稱
非線性分析, 算子理論
期間 內容
2018- C.-C. Kuo, Perturbations of local C-cosine functions, Studia Math., 2018, (Accepted).
2017- C.-C. Kuo, Local K-convolued C- semigroups and complete second order abstract Cauchy problems, Filomat, 2017, (Accepted).
2017- N.-S. Yeh and C.-C. Kuo, Multiplicative perturbations of local α-times integrated C-semigroups, Acta Mathematica Scientia, 37B(3) (2017), 877–888.
2016- C.-C. Kuo, Local K-convolued C-cosine functions and abstract Cauchy problems, Filomat 30(3)(2016), 2583-2598.
2016- C.-C. Kuo, Local C-semigroups and complete second order abstract Cauchy problems, Studia Math. 61(2)(2016), 221-237.
2015- C.-C. Kuo, Additive perturbations of local C-semigroups, Acta Mathematica Scientia (2015), 35B(6), 1566-1576.
2015- C.-C. Kuo, Local K-convolued C-semigroups and abstract Cauchy problems, Taiwanese J. Math. 19(4) (2015), 1227-1245.
2015- C.-C. Kuo, Multiplicative perturbations of local C-semigroups, Proceeding Indian Acad. Sci. (Math. Sci.) 125(1)(2015), 45-55.
2013- C.-C. Kuo, Note On local integrated C-cosine functions and abstract Cauchy problem, Taiwanese J. Math. 17(3)(2013), 957-980.
2012- C.-C. Kuo, On perturbation of local integrated cosine functions, Taiwanese J. Math. 16(5) (2012),1613-1628.
2010- C.-C. Kuo, Perturbation theorems for local integrated semigroups, Studia Math.197 (2010), 13-26.
2010- C.-C. Kuo, On existence and approximation of solutions of second order abstract Cauchy problem, Taiwanese J. Math., 14 (2010), 1093-1110.
2010- C.-C. Kuo, On local integrated C-cosine function and weak solution of second order abstract Cauchy problem, Taiwanese J. Math. , 14(2010), 2027-2042.
2010- C.-C. Kuo, On perturbation of α-times integrated C-semigroups, Taiwanese J. Math. 14 (2010), 1979-1992.
2009- C.-C. Kuo, On existence and approximation of solutions of abstract Cauchy problem, Taiwanese J. Math. 13 (2009), 137-155.
2006- C.-C. Kuo, On α-times integrated C-cosine functions and abstract Cauchy problem I, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 313 (2006), 142-162.
2005- C.-C. Kuo, On exponentially boundedα-times integrated C-cosine functions, Yokohama J. Math. 9 (2005), 59-72.
2005- S.-Y. Shaw , C.-C. Kuo, and Y.-C. Li , Perturbation of local C-semigroups, Nonlinear Anal. 63 (2005), e2569-e2574.
2005- S.-Y. Shaw and C.-C. Kuo, Generation of local C-semigroups and solvability of the abstract Cauchy problems, Taiwanese J. Math. 9 (2005), 291-311.
2004- C.-C. Kuo, One-sided multiple resonance for quasilinear elliptic partial differential equations, Applicable Anal. 9 (2004), 897-903.
2004- C.-C. Kuo, One-sided multiple resonance for quasilinear elliptic partial differential equations, Applicable Anal. 9 (2004), 897-903.
2003- C.-C. Kuo, Solvability of a nonlinear two-point boundary value problem at resonance II, Nonlinear Anal. 54 (2003) , 565-573.
2002- C.-C. Kuo, On the solvability of a quasilinear parabolic partial differential equation at resonance, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 275 (2002), 913-937.
2001- C.-C. Kuo, Solvability of a quasilinear elliptic resonance equation on the N-torus, Applicable Anal. 80 (2001), 79-94.
2000- C.-C. Kuo, Some existence theorems for nonselfadjoint resonance problems, Comm. Applied Nonlinear Anal.7 (2000) , 63-71.
2000- C.-C. Kuo, Periodic solutions of a two-point boundary value problem at resonance, Osaka J. Math. 37 (2000), 345-353.
2000- C.-C. Kuo and S.-Y. Shaw , On α-times integrated C-semigroups and the abstract Cauchy problem, Studia Math. 142(2000),201-217.
2000- C.-C. Kuo, On the solvability of semilinear differential equations at resonance, Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc. 43 (2000), 103-112.
2000- C.-C. Kuo, On the solvability of a nonlinear second order elliptic equation at resonance II, Nonlinear Anal. 39 (2000), 923-927.
1999- C.-C. Kuo, On the solvability of a Quasilinear elliptic resonance problem near its first eigenvalue, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 234 (1999), 91-108.
1998- C.-W. Ha and C.-C. Kuo , On the solvability of a two point boundary value problem at resonance II, Topological Methods in Nonlinear Anal. 11 (1998), 159-168.
1997- C.-C. Kuo and S.-Y. Shaw , C-cosine functions and the abstract Cauchy problem I, II, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 210 (1997), 632-646, 647-666.
1997- C.-C. Kuo, On the solvability of a Neumann boundary value problem at resonance, Canadian Math. Bulletin 40 (1997), 464-470.
1997- C.-C. Kuo, Solvability of a nonlinear two-point boundary value problem at resonance, J. Differential Equations 140 (1997), 1-9.
1996- C.-C. Kuo, On the solvability of a nonlinear second order elliptic equation at resonance, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 124 (1996), 83-87.
1996- C.-C. Kuo, On the solvability of nonselfadjoint resonance problems, Nonlinear Anal. 26(5) (1996), 887-891 .
1995- C.-W. Ha and C.-C. Kuo , Nonselfadjoint resonance problems with nonlinearities of superlinear growth, Topological Methods in Nonlinear Anal. 5 (1995), 357-364.
1993- C.-W. Ha and C.- C. Kuo , On the solvability of a two point boundary value problem at resonance, Topological Methods in Nonlinear Anal.1 (1993), 295-302.