學校 系所 學位
美國馬里蘭大學 數學 博士
期間 單位 部門 職稱
期間 內容
2016-12 Sy-Mien Chen, Yu-Sheng Hsu, Jen-Tong Liaw (2016-12), Sample size determination for Cp comparisons, Scientia Iranica : Transactions E: Industrial Engineering, 23(6), 3072-3085.(SCI)
2015-06 陳思勉,許玉生,'A note on the consistency between process capability indices and percentage of conformance',Fu Jen Studies--- Science and Engineering,vol48.71-92,2015-06
2014-05 陳思勉,呂婉綺,'Inference on the process incapability index C"pp(a,b) based on Generalized Pivot Quentity',Fu-Jen Studies_Science and engineering.1-16,2014-05
2013.05 陳思勉,廖建通,'製程能力指標C',輔仁學誌.57-86,2013.05
2012.05 陳思勉,'廣義三參數貝它分佈之最大概似估計式之研究',輔仁學誌.1-24,2012.05
2012.05 陳思勉,蔡達榮,'Properties of estimators of the process capability C',Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation,vol8.1444-1462,2012.05
2012.02 楊鉅文,陳思勉,'A Comparative Study of Human TLR 7/8 Stimulatory Trimer Compositions in Influenza A Viral Genomes', PLoS ONE,vol7.1-18,2012.02
2010.12 陳思勉,洪郁翔,'G3B分佈在型II 設限資料下之ML估計式之模擬研究',輔仁學誌--理工類.1-32,2010.12
2009.12 陳思勉,廖虹媚,'模擬冶金法運用在型II資料下對廣義誤差分佈之參數估計研究',輔仁學誌--理工類.17-46,2009.12
2009.10 陳思勉,許玉生,廖建通,'密度函數比之估計',Statistics,vol5.463-479,2009.10
2008.12 陳威弟,陳思勉,'廣義貝它分佈參數之模擬研究',輔仁學誌 理工類.31-52,2008.12
2007.12 陳思勉,李欣馨,'指數偉伯分佈在型I 設限資料之估計',輔仁學誌-理工類.39-61,2007.12
2005.12 陳思勉,戴淯珍,'指數偉伯串聯系統之失效函數估計之研究',輔仁學誌 理工類,vol39.47-62,2005.12
2004 Sy-Mien Chen,Yu-Sheng Hsu,'Kernel Density Estimations for Maximum of Two Independent Random Variables',Journal of Nonparametric Statistics.901-924,2004
2004 Sy-Mien Chen,Ho-Yan Chu,'On Cumulative Hazard Funciton Estimation for Series System from Weibull Family',Fu Jen Studies, Science and Engineering.73-87,2004
2004 陳思勉,Yu-Sheng Hsu,'UMP Test for Process CapabilityIndex Cpk',Interational J. of Quality Technology and Quality Management.141-154,2004
2003 陳思勉,Yu-Sheng Hsu,W.L.Pearn,Sy-Mien Chen,'Capability Measures for m-Dependent Stationary Processes',Statistics.145-168,2003
2003 陳思勉,Yu-Sheng Hsu,'A Note on Estimation for an Exponential Hazard Rate',Journal of Probability and Statistical Science.249-253,2003
2003 陳思勉,Shiun-Yin Shiu,'A Study on the Direct and Indirect Estimators of U-Type Hazard Function in a Series System',Fu Jen Studies, Science and Engineering.75-97,2003
2003 陳思勉,Yu-Sheng Hsu,'Asymptotic Analysis of Estimators for CNp(u,v) Based on Quantile Estimators (國科會計畫)',Journal of Nonparametric Statistics.137-150,2003
2002 陳思勉,W.L.Pern,G.H.Lin,'A Note on The Distributions of The Estimated with Asymmetric Tolerances',Far East Journal of Theoretical Statistics..25-37,2002
2002 陳思勉,Hsiao-Wen Huang,'A Simulation Study of Confidence Intervals of Process Capability Index Cpk via Miss Rate',Fu Jen Studies( Science and Engineering).159-178,2002
2001.01 陳思勉,許玉生,vol 2-3.29-45,2001.01
2001 陳思勉,Hsien-Ying Shen,Yu-Sheng Hsu,'”A Study on The Process Capability Index Comparisons”, Fu Jen Studies(Science and Engineering).'.85-102,2001
2001 陳思勉, Yu-Sheng Hsu,'Explaining Marginal and Joint Density Functions of Order Statistics Through Identities',Journal of Propagations in Probability and Statistics.113-116,2001
2000 陳思勉,Yu-Sheng Hsu,W.L.Pern,'Estimating Process Capability Index Cp (a, b) for m Dependent Stationary Processes',Far East Journal of Theoretical Statistics.45-64,2000
2000 陳思勉,'Effect of Sample Sizes on the Estimators of the Process Capability Index CNp(u,v)',2000
2000 陳思勉,Yu-Sheng Hsu,'Estimators of Process Capability Index CNp(u,v) for Symmetric Processes with Known Center of Symmetry',Fu Jen Studies,Science and Engineering.15-24,2000
1999 Sy-Mien Chen,Yu-Sheng Hsu,' Central Limit Theorems for Estimators of Some Process Capability Indices Based on ry Processes',American Statistical Association Proceedings of the Section on Quality and Productivity.50-55,1999
1999 Sy-Mien Chen,Yu-Sheng Hsu,'Asymptotic Distribution for Estimator of Process Incapability Index for Second Order Stationary Processes',Fu Jen Studies, Science and Engineering,.121-131,1999
1998 Chen, S.M.,'Distributional Property of the Incapability Index Cpp Under Edgeworth Series Distribution for processes with Symmetric Tolerances', Fu Jen Studies.69-78,1998
1997 Chen, S.M., Pearn, W.L.,'The Asymptotic Distribution of the Estimated Process Capability Index ", , 26(10), . (SCI)',Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods.2489-2497,1997
1997 Sy-Mien Chen,'Asymptotic Distribution of the Type Indices for Non-Normal Processes',Fu-Jen Studies, Science and Engineering.77-88,1997
1996 Sy-Mien Chen,Ai-Yen Wu,' A Simulation Study On Vannman- Type Indices',Fu-Jen Studies.23-43,1996
1995 Sy-Mien Chen,Nai-Feng Hsu,'The Asymptotic Distribution of the Process Capability Index Cpmk',Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods.1279-1291,1995
1995 Sy-Mien Chen,Yu-Sheng Hsu,'Kernel and double kernel discriminant analyses using both continuous and discrete variables',Fu-Jen Studies.29-36,1995
1994 Sy-Mien Chen,' A Study on Variables Sampling Plan ", Fu-Jen Studies, No. 28, 1 - 23.',Fu-Jen Studies.1-23,1994