學校 系所 學位
美國伊利諾大學芝加哥分校 數學 博士
期間 單位 部門 職稱
隨機過程與濾波理論(filtering theory)
期間 內容
2017-08 We-Lin Chiou (2017-08), A comprehensive structural Importance of a multi-state monotone system, Journal of Nonlinear and Convex Analysis, 18(5), 937-947. (SCI, 通訊作者)
2017-08 Wen-Lin Chiou (2017-08), On cost related structural importance for continuum structure functions, Journal of Nonlinear and Convex Analysis, 18(6), 1103-1114. (SCI, 通訊作者)
2016-12 Wen-Lin Chiou (2016, Dec). A Comprehensive Structural Importance of a Multistate Monotone System. Journal of Nonlinear and Convex Analysis, 1-11. (Accepted). (SCI, 124/312, MATHEMATICS). MOST 105-2115-M-030-002. 本 人為第一作者、通訊作者.
2016-11 Xue Luo, Yang Jiao, Wen-Lin Chiou, Stephen S.-T. Tau (2016-11), Novel Suboptimal Filter via Higher Order Central Moments, IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 52(4), 2030-2038. (SCI)
2016-09 Wen-Lin Chiou (2016, Sep). On the Measure of Structural Importance of Components in Multi ‐state Monotone Systems. Journal of Nonlinear and Convex Analysis, 17(9),1659-1670. (SCI, 124/312, MATHEMATICS). MOST 105-2115-M-030-002. 本人為第一作者、通訊作者.
2016-08 Xue Luo , Yang Jiao, Wen-Lin Chiou, Stephen S.-T. Yau (2016, Aug). Novel Suboptimal Filter via Higher Order Central Moments. IEEE Transaction on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 52(4), 2030-2038. (SCI, 2/30 ENGINEERING, AEROSPACE).
2015-12 Xue Luo, Yang Jiao, Wen-Lin Chiou, Stephen Yau (2015, Dec). A Novel Suboptimal Method for Solving Polynomial Filtering Problems. Automatica, 62(12), 26-31. (SCI, 22/249 ENGINEERING, ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONIC; Sci: 5/58; AUTOMATION & CONTROL SYSTEMS).
2015-11 Wen-Lin Chiou, Shaopu Lin and Stephen S.-T. Yau (2015, Nov). Some Finite Dimensional Filters derived from the Structure Theorem for Five-dimensional Estimation Algebras. Asian Journal of Mathematics, 19(5), 793-810. (SCI, 185/312, MATHEMATICS). NSC 98-2115-M-030-003. 本人為第一作者. NSC- 98-2115-M-030-003.
2013-01 Wen-Lin Chiou,Chih-Ru Hsiao,'A NEW INTERPRETATION OF THE SHAPLEY VALUE',Journal of Nonlinear and Convex Analysis,vol14.33-51,2013-01
2012-09 Yang Jiao,Stephen Yau,Wen-Lin Chiou,'Mitter conjecture and structure theorem for six dimensional estimation algebras',International Journal of Control,vol86.146-158,2012-09
2012-05 邱文齡,'一組濾波系統的有限維非線性濾波',輔仁學誌-理工類,vol45.71-94,2012-05
2010-02 Wen-Lin Chiou,Ghih-Ru Hsiao,'A Characterization of the Multi-Choice Shapley Value with Partially Consistent Property',Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics,vol14.287-318,2010-02
2008.11 Wen-Lin Chiou,W.-R. Chiueh,Stephen S.-T.Yau,'Mitter conjecture for low dimensional estimation algebras in nonlinear filtering',International Journal of Control,vol81.1793-1805,2008.11
2006.04 Wen-Lin Chiou,W.-R. Chiueh,S. S.-T. Yau,'Structure theorem for five dimensional estimation algebras',Systems & Control Letters,vol55.275-281,2006.04
2000-01 Guo-Qing Hu,Stephen S.-T. Yau,Wen-Lin Chiou,'Finite-Dimensional Filters with Nonlinear Drift ⅩⅢ:classification of Finite- Dimensional Estmation Algebras of Maximal Rank with state space Dimension Five',Asian Joumal of Mathematics.905-931,2000-01
1997-12 Wen-Lin Chiou,C.-B. Lu,'A Note on Estimation Algebras with Maximal Rank',Fu Jen Studies,vol31.33-51,1997-12
1996-01 Wen-Lin Chiou,'A Note on Estimation Algebras on Nonlinear Filtering Theory',Systems & Control Letters.55-63,1996-01
1996.05 Wen-Lin Chiou,' A Result on Nonlinear Filters',Fu Jen Studies,vol30.97-115,1996.05
1995-12 Wen-Lin Chiou,'Some Results on Estimation Algebras in Nonlinear Filtering Theory', Fu Jen Studies,vol29.41-58,1995-12
1994.01 Wen-Lin Chiou,Stephen S.-T. Yau,'Finite-Dimensional Filters with Nonlinear Drift II: Brockett`s Problem on Classification of Finite-dimensional Estimation Algebras',SIAM J. Control and Optimization,vol32.297-310,1994.01
1986.01 C.-S. Lee,S.-Y. Shaw,Wen-Lin Chiou,'Representation Formulas for Cosine Functions of Operator II',Acta Math,vol31.63-75,1986.01
期間 內容
2013-07-08 邱文齡,Chih-Ru Hsiao,'A Geometric Interpretation of the Shapley value for TU Games',The 24th International Conference on Game Theory at Stony Brook University,美國,紐約大學石溪分校,2013-07-08
2011-07-27 邱文齡,Hsiao, Chih-Ru,'An Intuitive Interpretation of Players’ Behavior in Multi-choice Games when the Shapley Value is Adopted',Game Theory and Society: Models of Social Interaction in Sociological Research International Conference,Swiss,Zurich,2011-07-27
2010.09.08 邱文齡,Shaopu Lin,S. S.-T. Yau,'Some Finite Dimensional Filters derived from the Structure Theorem for Five-dimensional Estimation Algebras',2010 IEEE Multi-Conference on Systems and Control(IEEE Conference on Control Applications , IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Aided Control System Design , IEEE International Symposium on Intel,JAPAN,YOKOHAM,2010.09.08
2009-12-04 蕭志如,邱文齡,'On Explicit Formulas for the Potentials of Cooperative games',2009 年數學學術研討會暨中華民國數學年會 ,臺灣,嘉義,2009-12-04
2009.08.26 蕭志如,邱文齡, Logic, Game Theory, and Social Choice 6,2009.08.26
2007-10-19 蕭志如,邱文齡,' On the Reduced Game of a Cooperative Game and its Solution, ',The Joint Conference: The 4th Pan-Pacific Game Theory Conference - The 3rd Asian Decentralization Co,臺灣,台北,2007-10-19
2003.12.09 邱文齡, W.-R. Chiuch,, S. S.-T. Yau,'Recent Results of Low Dimensional Estimation Algebras',The 42rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control,U. S. A.,Hawaii,2003.12.09
1999-12-10 邱文齡,闕偉仁,'Classification of Finite Dimensional Estimation Algebras',1999年數學學術研討會暨中華民國數學會年會(慶祝輔仁大學創校七十週年校慶)論文集,中華民國,新莊,1999-12-10
1995.06.05 Wen-Lin Chiou,'Estimation Algebras on Nonlinear Filtering Theory',Proceedings of the International Conference on Control and Information,Hong Kong,Hong Kong,1995.06.05
1993.12.15 Stephen S.-T. Yau,Wen-Lin Chiou,'Explicit construction of finite dimensional nonlinear filters with state space dimension 2',Proceedings of the 32nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control,USA, San Antonio,Texas,1993.12.15
1993.08.15 S. S.-T.Yau,Wen-Lin Chiou,'Explicit construction of finite dimensional nonlinear filters with state space dimension 2',96th Joint Meeting of AMS-CMS-MMA,Canada,Vancouver,1993.08.15
1991.12.11 Stephen S.-T. Yau,Wen-Lin Chiou,'Recent Results on Classification of Finite Dimensional Estimation Algebras: Dimension of State Space less than or equal to 2', Proceedings of the 30th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control,英國,Brighton,1991.12.11
年度 單位 獎項
105 輔仁大學 指標性期刊論文獎勵( Novel Suboptimal Filter via Higher Order Central Moments , SCI/SSCI/A&HCI 之非通訊或第一作者)
105 輔仁大學 指標性期刊論文獎勵( On the Measure of Structural Importance of Components in Multi‐state Monotone Systems , SCI、SSCI 排名為25%~50%且為第一或唯一通訊作者)
105 輔仁大學 指標性期刊論文獎勵( A Novel Suboptimal Method for Solving Polynomial Filtering Problems, SCI/SSCI/A&HCI 之非通訊或第一作者)
104 輔仁大學 指標性期刊論文獎勵( Some Finite Dimensional Filters derived from the Structure Theorem for Five- dimensional Estimation Algebras, SCI/SSCI/A&HCI 之唯一通訊或第一作者且排名後50%)
102 輔仁大學 指標性期刊論文獎勵( Mitter conjecture and structure theorem for six dimensional estimation algebras, SCI/SSCI/A&HCI 之非通訊或第一作者)
102 輔仁大學 指標性期刊論文獎勵 ( A new interpretation of the Shapley value, SCI/SSCI/A&HCI 之唯一通訊或第一作者且排名前50%)
期間 主持人 計畫名稱 贊助單位 贊助金額 職稱
2016/08/01 至 2017/07/31 1. 邱文齡 有關 Barlow and Proschan的結構重要性的一些推廣 科技部 271000
2016/08/01 至 2017/03/31 蕭志如, 邱文齡(共同) 科普活動:第十五屆中等學校數學建模競賽 科技部 170000
2015/06/01 至 2016/01/31 蕭志如, 邱文齡(共同) 科普活動:第十四屆中等學校數學建模競賽 科技部 170000
2014/06/01 至 2015/01/31 蕭志如, 邱文齡(共同) 科普活動:2014年中等學校數學建模競賽 科技部 173000