2021/07/06 14:22 [Scholarship]Scholarship Recipient List for Fall 2021

Scholarship Recipient List for Fall 2021



  1. Fu Jen Catholic University Regulations Governing Undergraduate and Master’s Scholarships for New International Students

  2. Fu Jen Catholic University Regulations Governing the PhD Scholarship for New International Students
  3. Recipient List of Scholarships for New International Students, Fall 2021 Fu Jen Catholic University

To receive this scholarship, recipients must complete two items:

  1. Please complete your intent to enroll on the FJCU Application System for International Students by Taiwan time June 30, 2021.
  2. Please complete the check-in and registration procedures specified in the Admission Notice on September 7 or 8, 2021.

Please email us if you have received another form of scholarship or financial assistance from the R.O.C. government to pursue a degree.
