Fu Jen Catholic University
Department of German Language and Culture
Academic Regulations
111.3.17 110學年度第2學期系務會議通過
111.4.13 110學年度第2學期院務會議通過
111.4.28 110學年度第2學期教務會議通過
第一章 通則
Chapter 1: General Provisions
第一條 本規則依據輔仁大學(以下簡稱本校)學則第四十條規定訂定之。
Article 1
These regulations were formulated in accordance with Article 40 of Fu Jen Catholic University Academic Policies.
第二章 學士班
Chapter 2: Undergraduate Program
第二條 本校德語語文學系(以下簡稱本系)畢業應修之課程、學分數及學科學習能力檢測規定如下:
(一) 校訂必修課程:導師時間(0學分,共8學期)、全民國防教育軍事訓練課程(0學分,共2學期)。
(二) 修滿全人教育核心課程8學分。
(三) 修滿基本能力課程12學分。
(四) 修滿通識涵養課程12學分。
(五) 修滿院訂英語必修課程4學分。大一英文修讀高級班或符合免修大一英文者,得以修習全英專業(EMI)課程,課名需標註「-英」,或英文系選修課程,但不含全人教育課程中心所開設之通識全英課程,替代院訂英語必修課程4學分。
(六) 修滿專業必修課程66學分。
(七) 選修課程中包含本系專業選修課程至少26學分。(可包含至多12學分之系外選修學分)。
(八) 畢業學分數為校訂必修課程、全人教育核心課程、基本能力課程、通識涵養課程、院訂必修課程、專業必修課程及選修課程七者之學分數,至少128學分。
(九) 學科學習能力檢測:須通過資訊學科學習能力檢測,其執行方式及標準依「輔仁大學學生基本素養培育與檢測實施辦法」辦理。
Article 2
Requirements for courses, credits, and the proficiency tests are listed below:
(1) University requirements: Academic Advising (0 credits, 8 semesters), Military Training Courses (0 credits, 2 semesters)
(2) Holistic Education Fundamental Courses: 8 credits
(3) Holistic Education Core Abilities Courses: 12 credits
(4) Holistic Education General Education Courses: 12 credits
(5) Required English courses of the College of Foreign Languages: 4 credits
Freshman English majors taking advanced classes or those who qualify for exception from freshman English may take an EMI-course with a course title marked “-English”or an elective course from the English department as a replacement; General Education Courses taught in English at the Holistic Education Center cannot be used for this.
(6) Required courses: 66 credits
(7) Elective courses: minimum of 26 credits (with a maximum cap of 12 credits from other departments).
(8) A total of 128 credits are required for graduation. This number includes credits from the following areas: University requirements, the Holistic Education Curriculum (Fundamental Courses, Core Abilities Courses, General Education Courses), courses required by the college, courses required by the Department, and elective courses.
(9) Proficiency tests: students must pass a proficiency test in information literacy. Test methods and standards will be handled in accordance with Fu Jen Catholic University Regulations Governing Tests for Fundamental Skills
第三條 學生於畢業前需依本系「學習成果展示實施辦法」完成學習成果展示,始有畢業資格。
Article 3
Students must meet the department’s Learning Outcome Exhibition Regulations and hold their exhibition in order to graduate.
第四條 修讀本系雙主修學生,修滿本系規定科目學分(含系專業必修課程學分),且依本系「學習成果展示實施辦法」完成學習成果展示,始取得本系學士學位資格。
Article 4
Students taking a double major must earn all required credits, meet the department’s Learning Outcome Exhibition Regulations, and hold their exhibition in order to receive a bachelor’s degree.
第五條 依本系「學生申請德語課程免修辦法」,持有具公信力之德語語言檢測及格證明之本系大一新生、轉系與轉學生於入學當學年度當學期開學一週內,得申請相對應課程免修,並以一次為限。本系教師會議針對個案委託委員會於開學第二週進行鑑定個別科目是否准予免修,該生所申請免修課程之任課教師為當然委員。委員會鑑定之結果須以書面呈現,且經系教師會議通過確認方為有效。免修學分數應以修讀其他本系選修課程補足學分。
Article 5
In accordance with Regulations Governing Course Exemptions at the Department of German Language and Culture, freshmen, transfer students, and exchange students may apply for course exemptions within the first week of the first semester of the academic year in which they enroll if they can provide certification that they have passed a recognized German proficiency test. An application may only be made once. The Faculty Council will appoint a committee to review and approve applications for individual course exemptions during the second week of the semester. The instructor of the course for which the student is applying for exemption will serve as an ex-officio committee member. The decision of the committee must be in written form and is valid only after the approval of the Faculty Council. The student must take other courses offered by the Department to make up for that course.
第三章 碩士班
Chapter 3: Master’s Program
第六條 碩士班畢業應修之課程及學分數如下:
(一) 修滿核心必修課程9學分(含論文1學分)。
(二) 修滿專業選修課程22學分。其中4學分可選本校各碩、博士班課程或各碩士班學分學程課程。本系專業選修課程中,每一課程模組須至少修滿2學分,擬撰寫碩士論文所屬之課程模組須至少修滿4學分。
(三) 畢業學分數為核心必修課程及專業選修課程二者之學分數,至少31學分。
Article 6
Course and credit requirements are as follows:
(1) Required courses: 9 credits (including 1 credit for thesis.)
(2) Electives: 22 credits. Students may earn up to 4 credits from another master’s or doctoral program at the University. At least 2 credits must be earned from each module of the graduate program. Students must earn at least 4 credits from the module related to their thesis topic.
(3)A total of 31 credits are required for graduation: the 30 credits between required and elective courses and 1 credit for the thesis.
第七條 碩士班學生申請「專業德語」必修課程免修原則如下:
(一) 碩一入學前兩年內通過國際德語檢定考試C1級(含)以上、或DSH考試三級(含)以上、或TestDaF 考試四級(含)以上者,可於第一學期開學一週內持德檢證書正本申請免修「專業德語」(一)/(二)共4學分。
(二) 碩一第一學期在學期間考取國際德語檢定考試C1級(含)以上、或DSH考試三級(含)以上、或TestDaF 考試四級(含)以上者,可於碩一第二學期開學一週內持德檢證書正本申請免修「專業德語」(二)2學分。
(三) 申請免修學分數須經系所教師會議通過後方為有效,通過之免修學分數須以修讀其他本系碩士班選修課程補足學分。
Article 7
Regulations for exemption from taking the Professional German module for master’s students are as follows:
(1) First-year master’s students who passed the Goethe-Zertifikat C1 (and above) level, or the DSH-3 (and above), or the TestDaF 4 (and above) within 2 years of their matriculation may apply for exemption from modules Professional German 1/2 (total of 4 credits) within the first week of school by showing proof of their certification.
(2) First-year master’s students who passed the Goethe-Zertifikat C1 (and above) level, or the DSH-3 (and above), or the TestDaF 4 (and above) within the first semester of their master’s studies may apply for exemption from Professional German 2 (total of 2 credits) within the first week of school of their second semester by showing proof of their certification.
(3) Application for exemption shall be subjected to department review. Students who are granted exemption shall undertake other modules from the department’s for master’s students to make up for the exempted credits.
第四章 附則
Chapter 4: Supplementary Provisions
第八條 本規則未盡事宜,依輔仁大學學則及相關規定辦理。
Article 8
Any matters not covered in these regulations will be handled in accordance with Fu Jen Catholic University Academic Policies and related regulations.
第九條 本規則經系務會議、院務會議及教務會議通過後施行。修正時亦同。
Article 9
These Regulations will be promulgated and implemented after the approval of the Departmental Affairs Council, College Affairs Council, and the Academic Affairs Council. The same procedure will be followed for each amendment.