• 台灣天主教醫療發展史-展覽資訊
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Development of Catholic Hospitals in Taiwan

     Fu Jen Catholic University was the first comprehensive university established by the Catholic Church in Taiwan. Since its founding in 1925, FJU has been committed to offering a holistic education based on a respect for both nature and humanity. The college of Medicine at FJU is devoted to upholding the Catholic principles of love and kindness, and aims to cultivate in their students both professional medical skills and the concept of humanistic care. FJU has been planning for the establishment of an attached hospital for many years, in order to extend and help realize the mission of the College.

    The hospital is set to open in 2017 and will mark yet another milestone for Catholic medical practice in Taiwan. This part of the exhibition is designed to give people a better understanding of the development of Catholic medical practice in Taiwan.

    The exhibition presents the history and evolution of local Catholic hospitals in Taiwan, beginning with the arrival of a few devout priests and nuns, their hardships in establishing clinics and medical centers, and their struggle to help villages that were suffering from a lock of resources to tackle diseases. It all leads up to the advanced urban functions of today, which provide convenient public medical services. The exhibition paints a picture of the love and devotion the Catholic clergy has shown and continues to show for their fellow humans.