2015/12/31 08:22 [活動公告]敬邀-105年1月22-23日教育部基礎語文及多元文化能力培育計畫-第二外語教師研習營

邀  請  函





日       期:2016年1月22~23日(五~六),上午八點三十分開始報到

地       點:輔仁大學國璽樓二樓國際會議廳

承  辦 人:輔仁大學外語學院副院長秘書室郝寶芬

電       話:02-2905-3718

傳       真:02-2905-3808


活動及報名網址:http://goo.gl/NISXyS (請以Google Chrome開啟)




耑此  敬頌

安    祺


輔仁大學外語學院院長    賴振南   敬邀




You are cordially invited to attend a workshop for teachers of languages other than English (LOTE) sponsored by the Ministry of Education’s “Language Competence and Cultural Diversity Cultivation Project”.

The workshop is proudly organized by the College of Foreign Languages of Fu Jen Catholic University, along with its German, French, Spanish, and Japanese Departments.

Time of Workshop: Friday to Saturday, January 22 –23, 2016. Registration is at 8:30.

Venue of Workshop: MD 227, Conference Room, 2nd Floor, Paul Cardinal Shan Medical Building.

For more information, please contact the following:

Secretary, Office of Vice Dean, College of Foreign Languages, FJCU: Bao-fen How Phone number: 02-2905-3718 Fax number: 02-2905-3808

Email: 026549@mail.fju.edu.tw

Website & Registrations: http://goo.gl/NISXyS


We look forward to seeing you on January 22 –23, 2016.


Lai Cheng-Nan

Dean, College of Foreign Languages

Fu Jen Catholic University