【大體解剖學學習資源網站】1. Google Body Labs (請下載解壓縮檔後執行GoogleChromePortable.exe即可) 2. The Digital Anatomist Project by University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 3. Southern California Orthopedic Institute 4. A Guide Tour of the Visible Human 5. Human Anatomy by Emory University 6. Gross Anatomy Images by University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences 7. Human Anatomy Online 8. Radiology Anatomy Module by University of Washington 9. Whole Brain Atlas at Harvard 10. Abnormal Spinal Anatomy, - illustrations; also includes normal spinal anatomy 11. BlueLink Anatomy images by University of Michigan Medical School |
【神經解剖學學習資源網站】 1. University of Creighton, US 2. Neuroanatomy Collections, View by System - University of Chicago, US 3. Functional Neuroanatomy by University of British Columbia |
1. 高醫病理科教學光碟 |
1. 高醫生物系組織學網路教室2. 高醫解剖學科組織學網站 |
1. School of Medical Sciences, The University of New South Wales2. The University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine 3. Cardiac embryogesis 4. Development of Human Heart from Loyola University Chicago |
1. 胸腔CXR影像診斷 |
1. www.webmd.com2. www.clinicalkey.com 3. www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov 4. 中央研究院圖書館 |