2020/04/22 13:01 [線上資源][資料庫試用:2020/07/09止] ProQuest Ebook Central Academic Complete

出版商提供《ProQuest Ebook Central Academic Complete》資料庫免費試用,


ProQuest Ebook Central Academic Complete 綜合學科電子書資料庫


·        登入網址:https://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/FJU

·        試用期間:即日起至109年7月9日止

·        使用限制:限學校IP範圍內連線使用

·        相關簡介:
ProQuest Ebook Central Academic Complete (ProQuest綜合學科電子書資料庫)提供來自數百個優質出版商(包含商業出版社、學會與大學出版社等)超過18萬冊西文電子書的完整全文供讀者使用。透過ProQuest Ebook Central平台,讀者可以無限制的線上閱讀、整本電子書下載(可能需配合adobe digital rights management (drm)軟體使用)與章節下載相關電子書。Academic Complete offers libraries an affordable, critical mass of ~180,000 multidisciplinary ebooks with unlimited, multi-user access, powerful research tools and DRM-free chapter downloads. Because we focus on quality over quantity and never add fillers, a higher percentage of our titles are likely to be used for longer periods of time.

·        平台使用教學 : https://china.pq.libguides.com/ebctw

